It is now 3 months until THE GAUNTLET AND THE FIST BENEATH launches and things are heating up- already I have some reviews starting to trickle in (some highlights below), and the book is now available on NetGalley for reviewers/librarians/bloggers and the like.

The cover art is finalised for all editions (hardback, trade paperback, mass market paperback, and ebook!) and the ramp up to launch is beginning. I’m really excited about the final map for the book- you can see below the sketch I was using whilst writing, which served me well but for publication we have pulled together something a lot shinier. Some secret fun stuff is also going on in the background that will be revealed as soon as is possible!

Looking forward, hopefully we will be able to hold some kind of physical book launch in august, but it will of course depend on the situation and the rules nearer to the time.

As for now, what am I doing? I am finishing up book 2 to be submitted to my editor Holly at Head of Zeus, and trying to get the ball rolling with the marketing and publicity team to let as many people know about GAUNTLET as possible. I might even be sharing a sneak preview of the book here at some point soon…

Pick up a copy!

Review excerpts:

'a wonderful premise and an absolutely bonkers prologue'- Sachin Dev, Smorgasbord Fantasia

a fabulous lead character’- Ryan, NetGalley

a brutal and rich fantasy world’- Anthony, GoodReads

fabulous’- Abigail, GoodReads